During the preparation for a live broadcast of the Quotidien show on the French TV channel TMS, which was to take place from Druzhkivka, Kramatorsk District, an explosion occurred right behind journalist Paul Gassier. It was one of the hits on the town by Russian military.
Later, Gassier went on the air from another location and reported that no one from the film crew was injured.

Instead, Bjorn Stritzel, a journalist from the German Bild received a light head wound during the shelling. A French colleague captured the moment of the first strike on our hotel, Mr. Stritzel tweeted. In total, he recorded nine such hits.
“Bjorn Stritzel was wounded by shrapnel as a result of Russian aggression in Ukraine. He is safe (as far as possible) and the injury is not that serious. However, this is a reminder of all the difficulties that reporters in Ukraine go through in order to tell the truth,” said Johannes Boie, editor-in-chief of Bild.
For his part, Bjorn Stritzel thanks everyone for paying attention to what happened to him.
“Thank you for all the messages, I’m fine, only a cut on my forehead, most likely from a piece of glass. I was having dinner when the explosion happened,” the journalist said.
Bjorn Stritzel also posted a photo of the scene.

“We admire the courage of representatives of foreign media who, by risking their lives and health, come to Ukraine, visit the hottest spots of our country, in order to most fully and objectively inform their audience about what is happening in our country. Journalists are the source of unbiased information that opposes the Russian propaganda lies that the aggressor country is trying to spread in the information space. We inform the European and International Federation of Journalists about all incidents that happen to media workers in the territory of Ukraine,” stresses President of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) Sergiy Tomilenko.
A video of the attack from the TMS TV channel:
As earlier reported, there is a hotline for journalists who find themselves in a difficult situation and need help.

NUJU information service